Wednesday Evenings Weekly
Enter at Door 6
Doors Open: 6:00 PM
Service: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
(Students in grades 6-12)
NVC YTH is our youth ministry for Junior High + Senior High students! Our mission is simple: We want every youth to experience real community, develop a real devotion to Jesus, and discover a real purpose for their lives.
Our youth servant leader team is dedicated to discipling young people to encounter new life in Christ. Through engaging worship, impactful teaching, and grade/gender-specific life groups, we help students grow in their faith to become bold, passionate followers of Jesus. And, of course, we have a lot of fun together along the way!
We invite you to join us on a Wednesday to experience firsthand what God has in store for you!
Partnering with Parents
We also recognize the vital role you, as parents, play in the discipleship of your teen(s). That’s why we’ve created a dedicated page with resources to equip you in discipling and loving your child well.
Have any questions? Email Pastor Danielle at