Next Steps
You are made for more!
Whether you just made a decision to follow Jesus, are new to Northview or want to get more connected here there is a Next Step for you.

Growth Track
Growth Track is designed to help you discover your purpose and live the life God created for you. Our aim is to help you move forward in your walk with Christ and identify your next steps as a follower of Jesus.
Growth Track is a two part class offered every month that empowers you to follow Jesus and grow your relationship with Him and equips you to discover and live out your God-given purpose in the church and beyond. You’ll also learn more about Northview’s beliefs, vision, values, Life Groups, Dream Teams, membership and more!
When is it?
GT101 - First & Third Sunday of every month | 10am - 11am
GT201 - Second & Fourth Sunday of every month | 10am - 11am

Water baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. Water baptism follows the example of Jesus, demonstrates your changed life, and declares publicly what has happened privately. Being baptized shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus and allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).
Water baptism doesn’t save a person; it’s a symbol and celebration of salvation (1 Peter 3:21). The power that brought Jesus back to life is the same power Jesus uses to change our lives–and that’s worth getting excited about!

Life Groups
At Northview, TOGETHER is what we’re about. We need each other and let’s face it - real life change, growth, and freedom happens best in the context of community. Life Groups help a big church to feel small and allows us to find people we can do life with; encouraging and praying with one another as we grow closer to Jesus.
Life Groups meet on a regular basis with the goal of growing in relationship with God and one another! No matter where you are in your journey, we have a group for you!

Dream Teams
What is a Dream Team? At Northview, SERVANT LEADERSHIP is our passion. We can’t save anybody, but we can serve everybody. As we serve people, God changes people. Our Dream Teams are made up of hundreds of people who are using their unique gifts, passions, and talents to serve God in a variety of areas.
The ministry and outreach at Northview wouldn’t be possible without the generous time and efforts given by those who serve on Dream Teams. From greeting people to serving with kids to making tasty coffee, there is a place for you to use your God-given gifts! Serving on a Dream Team means you are being the Church, and building the Church.
To learn more about Dream Teams and finding a place to serve, we encourage you to attend Growth Track.

