A Discipleship Journey with Northview Church

“The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace.” Haggai 2:9

Made For More

We love being a part of what God is doing through Northview! The Holy Spirit is moving across our community, region, and world. Countless lives have been transformed all because of Jesus, and we believe we are just getting started! We are grateful for what God has done through us, yet we are Made for More. Today, we gather in this building because of the incredible sacrifice of those who have gone before us. We are living out the fulfillment of that dream.

It is a joy to experience God together as we now prepare for the future! Below, we share our plans to renovate our space to reach more people. We believe our impact extends beyond our four walls into our community and around the world. We are praying for more people to know Jesus and become like Him! We are honored to connect others to Jesus, His love, and what it means to follow Him. As you read through this content, intentionally ask God about your role. Ask the Holy Spirit to make it clear to you. We humbly invite you to join us on this adventure. We are Made for More!

All our love,

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Primary Goal


That every one of us would ask ourselves, "How is God asking me to participate with the Made For More initiative?"
Secondary Goal

$16.8 Million

Through your generosity, we will join God in MORE of what He is doing in three gospel-centered initiatives: Local, National, and Global


We will reimagine our spaces through a significant building transformation. Reworking our kids area, worship center, and lobby spaces will enable us to welcome more families, impact more people through trainings and events, and create more space for deep connections and relationships. We will also continue stewarding our partnership with Fargo Public Schools to meet practical and spiritual needs in students' lives.


Among several national partnerships, we will continue to focus and increase support with Alaska Student Partnership. This organization is training teacher missionaries to serve 56 villages with little to no known gospel witness. The teachers meet the need for educators in the school system while bringing hope to these communities where many are living in poverty and among challenging home situations.


Among several global missions partners, our priority partnership is with Child Hope in Latin America. Over the last 40 years, our church has helped build 20 schools in Nicaragua through our partnership with Child Hope. Through these schools, our missionary partners provide a consistent gospel witness through solid education, healthcare, and leadership training.


Through the Made for More discipleship journey, God is using us to impact all of eternity. Our role is to lean in, listen to His voice and be obedient to what God is calling us to next. We are encouraging all of us to commit to MORE.

M eaningful Relationship With God

  • ATTEND each Sunday service during this six week campaign.  
  • ENGAGE with the key scripture and questions in weekly discussion guides.  

O thers First

  • Join a Life Group or Vision Group
  • Serve at Northview in some capacity

R aise Your Generosity

  • PRAY: Ask God to stretch your faith and stir generosity in your heart. Ask God to show you what He wants you to give towards Made for More.
  • CONSIDER: Read through the generosity material in this book and allow it to stretch you.
  • COMMIT: Fill out and turn in your commitment card on March 30.

E ngage Fully in Family

  • SPIRITUAL TALK: Take some time to share what God is teaching you with family or friends.
    • If you are married, go out together. Make a date night out of it.
    • If you have kids, discuss at the dinner table.
    • Grab lunch with a friend or set up a phone call.

Watch the Made for More message collection

View Collection


What are you asking me to do?

PRAY: Ask God to stretch your faith and stir generosity in your heart. Ask God to show you what He wants you to give towards Made for More.

CONSIDER: Read through the generosity material on this page and in your vision book and allow it to stretch you.

COMMIT: Fill out and turn in your commitment card on March 30.

How long is my commitment?

We are entering a two year Made for More Initiative that will allow us to answer God’s call to increase our impact both locally and globally. This two-year period will start on Commitment Sunday, March 30, 2025.

What is OneFund?

Over the next 2 years, we will take part in generosity through a giving program called a OneFund. This simply means that we don’t plan to parse out our different initiatives, and will instead each prayerfully consider what it looks like for each of us to commit to the vision as a whole during this Made for More initiative. Everything from weekly ministry, missions/outreach, and building expansion will go into the OneFund to create one unified number.

Can I gift stocks or other assets in order to give more towards Made For More?

Yes! Many people own stocks that are worth significantly more than the original purchase price. That is good news. The bad news is that if these stocks are sold, a significant portion of the gain would be lost to taxation. Gifts of appreciated assets—typically investment securities, real estate, and crypto-currencies—can be very advantageous to both the donor and to the church. By transferring ownership of the asset to the church, the giver avoids capital gains taxes on the sale of the asset. In addition, the giver receives an income tax charitable deduction for the full market value of the asset. That, in effect, makes these gifts less costly to make. Visit www.northview.life/giving for more ways to give to Made For More.

What if I still have questions?

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to us by emailing give@northview.life